Coastal Prep is a supportive midpoint between a more intense recovery environment and the complete return to a traditional high school setting.
Certified teachers provide classes on-site in a traditional format. The classes can be modified to accommodate the pace of instruction to meet student needs. Coastal Prep students also are able to access Educere, a virtual education platform that provides unique curriculum options.
Coastal Prep staff works with guidance counselors from each student’s home high school to coordinate an academic plan. Course selections are driven by the needs of each student. Typical courses include English, various levels of math, history selections, sciences and foreign languages.
The goal is to be certain the home school will issue credit for courses, an important step toward keeping that student on track for state graduation requirements. The home school is regularly provided information as it relates to student’s grades and attendance records and will issue academic credit as part of the student’s traditional transcript.
A Fresh Start for Students
Coastal Prep High School provides a fresh start for students battling a substance use disorder. Peers, school staff, and school programming work together to support each student’s recovery. The goal is to ensure each student feels supported as he or she works toward achieving their high school diploma.
- Students will engage in a full day of challenging academic courses and educational experiences, in addition to time spent in support groups or in individual coaching sessions.
- Coastal Prep will work within a student’s existing Individualized Education Program (IEP).
- Post-high school planning is encouraged, and SAT preparation is available.
- Academic credit is awarded through the student’s home school, and completed courses and grades are included on that school’s transcript.
Coastal Prep combines an academically rich atmosphere with the added support of licensed recovery staff and mentors integrated in every aspect of the school day. Students receive recovery support in a group setting along with a minimum of once weekly individual meetings with recovery mentors and/or licensed staff to discuss and update their own recovery plans. During the other periods of the day, students attend live classes or work on their coursework virtually.
In addition to the academic and recovery aspects of Coastal Prep, students are exposed to other areas of growth such as classes on life skills, art, music, and recreational activities to improve all aspects of the student’s life. They also are involved in efforts to improve self-esteem and community engagement by volunteering at organizations of their choosing.