Coastal Prep recognized that adolescents will fare better with a change in environment, rather than a return to a setting that may make them more susceptible to relapse. It is not a substitute for a rehabilitation setting – that recovery phase must take place before a student joins Coastal Prep – but it is a place where recovery and academics can co-exist. There are no secrets and no judgments because all students are in the same situation and they know it.
- Skilled and experienced professionals guide the recovery process.
- A typical day blends academics and recovery activities, along with social opportunities.
- Parents are not responsible for tuition costs; state and local district funding cover that.
- Family support options are part of the Coastal Prep relationship, with the understanding that problems affect not only the adolescent but his or her entire family.
- Family members may visit Coastal Prep periodically to share in student success.
With support from New Jersey Virtual High School and an on-site teacher, Coastal Prep tailors an educational plan for each student. We work closely with the home district to know what courses a student needs to stay on track for high school graduation, and we make arrangements to transfer completed credits to that school. Upon graduation, the student’s diploma is issued from his or her home high school without a reference to Coastal Prep.
What Family Supports are Available?
- Family involvement is key to your loved one’s success. Because of this, we offer monthly support meetings that include a psychoeducational component. In addition, we offer a closed Facebook group for family members, and Coastal Prep staff monitor it for extra support.
- We will train family members in Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) – a program that teaches family members how to promote change in their loved ones while also promoting healing in themselves.
- Family members can contact PerformCare or (877) 652-7624. It operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to connect families with wrap-around services for their loved ones.
Is There a Cost For My Family?
Will My Child Receive a Diploma from Coastal Prep?
Do You Know Someone in Crisis Now?
Coastal Prep may be your next step, but please also consider the following if you are in a crisis situation. Please consider ReachNJ for resources about prevention, treatment and support. Learn about the full range of services and programs available through New Jersey’s Children’s System of Care. You can also visit the Start Your Recovery website to locate a drug and alcohol rehab center and receive support in your area.